Anistratov Gaita Gallega
Alexander makes wide range of Galician Gaitas in his workshop.
Anistratov Gaitas can be customise by choosing from six main pitches F, E, D, C, B, Bb instruments in other keyes such as Eb, C#, A, low G and F are also avaliable by the request.
The set of pipes can be made with different drones combination:
- two drones-bass and tenor,
- three drones-bass, tenor and alto (conical bore & double reed)
- three drones-bass, tenor and alto (cylindrical bore & single reed)
- four drones-bass, tenor, alto & baritone
As every type of Anistratov pipes Gaia Gallega is made in Standard, Premium and Deluxe sets. Alexander has tested, played and measured in all aspects some of finest examples from museums, privat collections and instruments leading musicians from Galicia. He developed three main designs which he terms "Compostela" "Delichon" & " Ephiornis"

All of Anistratov Punteiros (Chanters) are the result of perennial and consequent work of the researching conical bores from different parts of Galicia.
Two types of chanter bore Alexander has designed for his gaitas. In his opinion they are the most balanced in such aspects as tone and dynamic range, pitch and stability in the range of full scale chromatic tuning. Since the Punteiro (chanter) is the center of Gaita universe its tuning is given special attention and a lot of time before the instrument is ready to meet its future owner.

Drones & Models

Compostela Standard design. Bass and tenor drones. Boxwood, Ferrules: bronze, Mounts and bushings: imitation horn

Compostela Premium design. Bass, tenor and alto drones. African Blackwood Ferrules and tuning pins mixed: bronze Mounts and bushings: imitation ivory
The reeds are only used for all of Anistratov Gaitas are coming from Jose Luis Enriques workshop-world known reed maker best on his field.
Drone reeds
Three types of drone reeds can be installed in the drones. It’s always depends of customer request. All the gaitas set up with quill type cane reeds by default. Also set of Gaita can be equipped with plastic composite drone reeds by special order or with hi tech Ezeedrone tunable reeds.

Compostela Standard design. Boxwood, Ferrules: bronze, Mounts and bushings: imitation horn

Compostela Standard design. African Blackwood, Ferrules mixed: stainless steel & imitation ivory, Tuning pins: stainless steel, Mounts and bushings mixed: stainless steel with blackwood & imitation ivory

Compostela Premium design. African Blackwood Ferrules and tuning pins mixed: bronze Mounts and bushings: imitation ivory

Compostela Standard design. Boxwood, Ferrules mixed: Blackwood & bronze, Tuning pis: bronze, Mounts and bushings: imitation ivory & blackwood

Delichon Standard design. African Blackwood, Ferrules: bronze, Tuning pins: bronze, Mounts & bushings: imitation horn

Delichon Standard design. African Blackwood, Ferrules: stainless steel, Tuning pins: stainless steel, Mounts & bushings: black acryl

Delichon Standard design. African Blackwood, Ferrules: imitation horn, Tuning pins: bronze, Mounts: kingwood, bushings: imitation horn

Delichon Standard design. Boxwod, Ferrules: black acryl, Drone bells & bushings: black acryl

Delichon Standard design. Boxwod, Ferrules: black acryl, Drone bells & bushings: black acryl

Delichon Standard design. Boxwod, Ferrules: black acryl, Drone bells & bushings: black acryl